A Week of Renewal

The beauty of Spring spurs in us a sense of newness and hope. This week in particular gives us renewed joy as we celebrate Christ’s victory over death. We are reminded that no matter how dark the day, God brings light and redeems what seems broken. As we reflect on the powerful stories of this week, let us find renewed love and gratitude for all God is doing in our lives.

Take some time to pause and ponder the events of Holy Week. The triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the last supper with His disciples, Jesus washing their feet, the prayer in the garden, and His arrest. The turn of the crowd shouting, “Crucify Him!” The agony of the cross and the mocking voices, “Save yourself!” His declaration, “It is finished.”

And it was finished. He had paid the price for our sins. A loving sacrifice. But the story was far from over. On the third day, He arose. The angels declared it, the women proclaimed it, His disciples believed it (except for Thomas who eventually came around). Victory over death – a glorious hope for all who believe!

How do we participate in this story? We begin with faith in the Son of God, Jesus, who loved us and gave himself for us. We continue by praising Him and thanking Him. Rejoicing in the fact that He gives us forgiveness of sins, life everlasting, and hope for each day.

We joyfully grow in a love relationship with Him. He is not far off. He is near. His Spirit who dwells within us is our helper who guides us and gives us strength. This week, let us relish the fact that we are never alone. The living and eternal God loves us and is with us.

Photo by Wai Siew on Unsplash

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