The Joy of St. Patrick’s Day

This weekend we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, but the life lessons we glean from Patrick’s amazing life are far different than the parade and celebrations of today. His story is truly inspirational and a beautiful picture of God’s work through a humble heart.

Born to a noble family in Roman Britain (now part of Scotland) in 373 AD, he didn’t adhere to his family’s Christian faith in his early years. Yet at the age of 16, Patrick was taken captive by pirates and sold into slavery in Hibernia (Ireland). While in captivity he gave his life to Christ.

At age 22, God miraculously led him to freedom, and he was able to find a ship that took him to Britain. Although there were setbacks, he eventually made it home. There in the safety and joy of being reunited with his family, the Lord spoke to him in a dream and told him to return to Hibernia. His family begged him not to go, but at the age of 30, he returned to the place that once held him captive. The one book in his hand –  a Latin Bible!

He began preaching about Jesus and sharing the victory of the gospel story. He preached of the resurrection and used a clover to illustrate the Trinity. God worked powerfully through Patrick as thousands were converted to Christ. He put an end to the Druid’s human sacrifices as well as ending slavery.

Many generations to come were transformed by the willing heart of this faithful servant. His life was filled with hardship, humility and the joy of seeing many come to faith in Jesus. May his story inspire us to share Christ’s love and hope wherever we find ourselves, even in the hard places.  

In short, I am a slave in Christ to this faraway people for the indescribable glory of ‘everlasting life which is in Jesus Christ our Lord. – St. Patrick, “A Letter to the Soldiers of Coroticus”

Photo by Yan Ming on Unsplash

Divine Suffering

This beautiful and meaningful blog was written by my daughter Grace Ladd McDonald. I pray your heart is strengthened through these words.

What a grace, what an absolute divine mercy it is to experience the humility of suffering, the state of dire need when we are no longer sufficient by our merits or efforts to hold our own. Nothing, no nothing can more propel us towards the most real and satisfying beauty we could ever know. But what is this beauty and why must agony and such profound grief serve as the portal to it? 

When you see the light of Jesus, the one who does not look away from those that even the most compassionate among us forsake, it is He alone which lifts us. The hand He offers is not one of material prosperity but rather eternal joy. We cannot comprehend this wildness so the tendency to move on is tempting. 

But stop. The still quiet One– amidst all the clutter and chaos of our roughest waves–calms, stills and saves us from the competing half-loves that beg our full commitment. We are made to recognize glory, but not wise enough to discern it from its mockers.

Wealth, power, sex are impostures of pleasure in the face of divine suffering. However, the desolation of sorrow  is pure and utter waste without arriving at The End it so aims to reach. I beg you in the face of despair to not look away. This Jesus that gives so generously of a spirit so sensual that our eyes are too dim to see, our ears too weak to hear completely will consume you with His love.

Open your hands to Him. I beg you not to look away. Receive the pain and breathe through it with the breath God has given you to live. It hurts. It hurts like the bitterest depths of hell. Look up. Look up now, the one who will not leave you has come so that even death has not the final word. 

Your final word is Love. That love is Jesus Christ. And this Christ is the Holy one God. No beauty will surpass Him, no obstacle prevent you from coming. So come, come in your grossest of sins, in your brokenness, in your deep anguish and shame. Love is real. If it is not, neither are you and neither is this pain. But your pain is real. It is so real.

Receive Love, this very indubitable, hyper-existent love. Look up and let Him fill you.

Visit to see more of Grace’s many gifts and talents.

Positive Steps Into the New Year

Have you noticed that there’s just a little emotional lull after the excitement of the Holidays? Maybe it’s the thought of putting away all those decorations or perhaps it’s the reality of jumping back into the regular routine of life. Whether or not you experience a little January blues, there are certain steps we can take to begin the new year with a positive perspective.

Pray – Starting each day, devoting your work, your family, your activities, and your concerns to God can create a sense of both peace and strength. Praying reminds us that we are not alone. We have a Heavenly Father who sees us, loves us, and cares for us. He comforts us through the storms of life and calms our hearts amid confusion. He guides us in making wise decisions. Praying, even if it’s just a few minutes a day, helps us maintain an eternal focus and reminds us of His presence.

Plan – Creating a plan for the year directs us and keeps us focused. It allows us to feel purposeful as we start our year.  Certainly, we cannot plan out every little detail, and we know that all too often plans will change. But plans give us a sense of direction and allow us to think about where we are headed. Start your planning by looking back at the past year – what worked, what didn’t work and what can you do differently? Then consider what you want to accomplish in the coming year mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, socially, and work-wise. Revisit these goals at the first of each month to help you stay on target.

Push Forward – Positive change doesn’t just randomly happen, we must take decisive steps to move in a new direction. If you want to spend more time with certain people, then you have to be deliberate about reaching out to them. If you are feeling lonely, push forward and find a place to volunteer and serve. Volunteering often opens new doors to meeting people and helps you feel more purposeful in life.  If you want to be better about finances, put together a budget and set a regular time when you will review your financial statements and budget. Pushing forward means getting out of our comfort zone and choosing to take actionable steps.

Pray, plan, and push forward – three simple concepts that can help us have a positive perspective for the new year.  Stay hopeful and stay connected to both God and others. And remember, “There’s more in store in 2024!”

Check out my new book, Positive Connectivity.

Steps Photo by Robin Schreiner on Unsplash

A Week of Reflecting, Reading, and Regrouping

One of the joys of the Holiday Season is taking some time to be still. Unlike the rest of the year, the week between Christmas and New Year’s typically runs at a less frenzied pace. For many, these golden few days offer a respite from running out the door for school, work, sports, or meetings.

With the world at our fingertips via our phones, it’s easy to fill the void of activities with meaningless distractions. Now that’s not completely fruitless, but there are some purposeful ways we can use our time to set us in a positive direction for the new year. Here are a few ideas:

Reflecting: Take a moment to write down three of the best things that happened in the past year. It may be a success at work, an addition to the family, or a new friendship or hobby. Next, reflect on what did not go well. Think about habits you want to change or things you want to do differently. Finally, consider three hopes or dreams for the new year.

Reading: Consider areas that intrigue you or grab your interest and find one book on the topic. Begin reading it during these un-rushed days. You may even want to hunt down one book per month to read for 2024. If we want to continually improve each year, we must look for ways we can learn and grow through what we choose to read.

Regrouping: What are some ways to stay more in tune with family and friends in the coming year? Our connections with others are an important part of our satisfaction, joy, and growth. When we make an intentional plan to love, serve, and connect with others we enrich our own lives. Think of a few simple ways you can deepen connections this year.

We all need some time to rejuvenate. I hope this last week of December will offer some quiet moments of reflection, reading, and regrouping so that you can begin the new year on a purposeful path. Most importantly, take time to pray and seek God’s guidance and direction as you set your goals for 2024.

For more ideas on living a life of purpose and connection, check out my latest book Positive Connectivity.

A Hint for Happy Holidays

Thanksgiving is an everyday occurrence in my life. I’m not talking about the food (although wouldn’t that be fun?), but I am talking about the focus. Yes, it has become a joyful habit in my life to start each day by giving thanks to God for at least five blessings. Psychologists now confirm that daily gratitude can elevate our level of happiness, and the more specific, the better.

With my first cup of coffee each morning, I journal my thankful reflections over the past twenty-four hours:

              Thank you Lord that I happened to see Patricia at the grocery store.

              Thank you Lord for my husband cleaning up the dinner dishes.

              Thank you Lord for the phone call from my daughter in Philadelphia.

              Thank you Lord for extra space in my schedule to catch up on emails (a rarity in my life).

              Thank you Lord for the sweet hugs from my grandkids and time to play together.

It does my heart good to think about the daily blessings God brings into my life. It reminds me that He is continually at work, and there is always hope. Even in the rough spots of life, I can thank God for His presence and the life lessons I am learning. On days when it is difficult to see the good, I may need to look a little harder for the glimmers of hope. It’s always there, it just may be more challenging to see.

Aren’t you glad that Thanksgiving comes right before we enter the Holiday season? Sometimes we need an extra dose of thankfulness as we encounter crazy traffic, stressful shopping, and not-so-easy family members. Let’s maintain a heart of thankfulness and a habit of daily gratitude as we walk through this busy yet glorious season.

May our lights shine brightly with hearts full of His joy as we reflect on His many blessings.

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash