Building Connections Through Engaging Conversations


When it comes to making a connection with other people, a stimulating question can be our most effective tool. Whether in business, relationships or family life, bridges are often built through asking and listening rather than instructing or demanding. Engaging in meaningful and kind interaction is especially important when we are with people who have opposing points of view or see life differently than we do.

It’s not a bad idea to keep a few thoughtful questions at hand to open up dialogue and ignite positive conversations. Here are a few of my favorite questions:

What do you think about ________________? This opens up the door for you to discover another person’s point of view and where they stand on an issue or situation. This is an opportunity to listen, not to vent your opinion or stand up for your point of view or ideas. Simply listen and ask more questions.

What makes you feel that way?  With this simple question you are able to dig a little deeper than surface level and find out some of the reasons behind a persons words, actions or opinions. Everyone has a story, but few people take the time to listen.

What do you want?  Most people have hopes, desires and dreams but rarely verbalize them. This question is full of potential and allows the other person to identify what they are really after, both short term and in the big picture of life.

In what ways do you need help? You may not be able to solve all their problems, but you may be able to do something or point them to someone who can.  In many cases, they just need is a listening ear and to know someone cares enough to ask.

Let’s have the courage and strength to listen with love and understanding. We will learn and grow as we open up the door of conversation and ask questions that lead to truth and discovery. Use questions as your tools and wisdom as your guide in building bridges, rather than burning them.


Invite Karol to share with your group on the topic of ”Thrive, Don’t Simply Survive.”  Email Tammy at:


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Childlike Faith


Being a grandparent is a blast! In the last few weeks, I’ve played with puppets, run through mazes, slid down slides and experienced the awe and wonder of observing elephants at the zoo all over again. I love the simple joy of a child’s heart.

Interestingly, Jesus said that the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like children. Think about the attributes of little children.  They tend to:

  • Live with faith.
  • Love generously.
  • Depend on their mommy and daddy.
  • Be filled with wonder.
  • Laugh freely.
  • Cry when they are hurt.
  • Require grace.
  • Ask for what they want.
  • Persist.
  • Believe, hope, dream.

Jesus’ words had a bit of a shock-value to the religious leaders of the day. The pompous, rule-following Pharisees prided themselves on their own self-righteousness and personal perfection, while children were considered undeserving and lowly. Perhaps that’s exactly why Jesus chose a humble child as His example of what a follower of Christ really looks like.

Reflect for a moment on the simple and pure faith of a child. Isn’t it wonderful to think that it is this kind of faith that brings us into a relationship with God and transforms our lives?


What about you?  In what ways do you reflect a childlike faith as you come to your loving Heavenly Father? Take a look at the list above and consider what qualities you want to develop as you trust in Jesus and walk your journey of faith.

Daily Hope


This morning as I reflected on the celebration of Easter, I thought about the hope Christ brings to our lives personally. Certainly His resurrection brings us the hope of heaven – and what a joyful hope that is! But Christ’s resurrection also means hope for us in our day to day existence, right here, right now. The same power that rose Jesus from the dead is at work in our lives. What joy and victory we have as believers in Christ!

As I continued to ponder the power of the resurrection, I began thinking about all the ways that I so desperately want to see the transforming power of Christ at work in this world. I wrote out a few thoughts that were heavy on my heart.

  • I want to see broken families made whole again.
  • I want children to grow up in healthy, happy and safe environments
  • I want moms to know that they are valuable and loved by God.
  • I want dads to recognize their important role in the family and look to God for strength.
  • I want our youth to recognize that God has a plan and a purpose for their lives, and that they are equipped with unique gifts and talents to make a positive difference in this world.
  • I want revival to breakout across our land, so that families find their foundation and strength in the transforming power of Christ.
  • I want all people to know the love and forgiveness Christ brings, and I want all of us to reflect that love and forgiveness toward others.

So that’s my heart’s cry. That’s where my heart aches. What about you? Where does your heart ache? Perhaps  a more positive way to say it is, where do you want to see the transforming power of Christ at work in this world? Will you join me in praying today and everyday for His resurrection power to bring hope to this nation and to our world?


”Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,  to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”

Ephesians 3:20,21

If you want to know more about how to make a positive difference in the lives of families, please check out my parenting initiative at


Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov on Unsplash



This is considered “Passion Week” as we reflect on the days Jesus moved from His triumphal entry into Jerusalem toward the cross where He paid the ultimate sacrifice for us. Often, we think of passion as a deep feeling of love and concern, but the word itself means so much more. Passion comes from the Latin word passio which means to endure or suffer. Because of His deep love for us, Christ chose to endure the suffering on the cross on our behalf. So “Passion Week” is actually “Suffering Week” – a week when we look with gratitude on what Jesus did for us. But the story doesn’t end there, we also rejoice this week for Easter Sunday, celebrating the victory of Christ’s resurrection.

In his letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul encouraged believers to not only know Christ in the power of His resurrection, but also to experience the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings. Our faith in Christ not only calls us to live a life of victory and power, but it also calls us to die to self and serve others with humility and love. Christ did not cling to His Heavenly rights (Philippians 2:6), but humbled Himself as a servant and became obedient even to the cross.

This week (and every week), let’s turn our eyes toward Jesus in joy and gratitude for His sacrificial love for us. May we be inspired by His example to live in loving and grace-filled service toward others. Perhaps we need to consider some of the rights we tend to hold onto in our lives or perhaps areas where we feel we are above serving or caring. Let’s open our hands to Him and ask Him to guide us and flow through us as we reflect His love to the world.

Point to Ponder: The word Compassion means to join into someone else’s suffering. Where is God calling you to serve, to love and to show mercy?

This week on my facebook page I am looking at what the Bible has to say about Jesus. Join me each day for a new reflection. Click Here.

Finding Your Direction


Where are you headed in life? When navigating a boat in open waters, a captain must continually consider his direction. Getting slightly off course can send his ship into a dangerous situation or to an unintended destination. When navigating the waters of life, we want to stay on course toward our desired destination as well. How do we find our direction and continue on a positive trajectory in life?

Consider your Purpose – If we plan to go nowhere, we will get there every time. But if we have hopes and dreams and a purpose in life, we can set our path in that direction. Certainly goals change and life takes twists and turns, but when we keep our ultimate purpose in mind we can correct the course and continue moving toward the target. Let’s take some time to be still and ponder some of life’s bigger questions as we think about where we are headed. We can ask ourselves:

  • What is most important to me in life?
  • What am I put on this earth to do?
  • What legacy do I want to leave in life?

We may not have all the clear answers to these questions, but simply thinking about them helps us begin to determine where we are headed and where we eventually want to land.

Chart the Course – What is our plan of action as we head toward our destination? A wise navigator considers the possible storms, the length of the voyage, the necessary crew and the provisions needed for the journey. First, we must surround ourselves with positive and wise people who believe in our vision and can encourage  and advise us along the way. What are the other provisions necessary? It’s possible we may need further education, or we may need to develop a particular skill. Creating a one-year plan, a five-year plan and perhaps a ten-year plan can help us get a vision of what is needed down the road. Breaking down the one-year plan into quarters and writing out specific action steps for each quarter can also help us move forward in manageable steps.

Look Up.  Ancient mariners used the stars to guide their paths, and we can look to our Heavenly Father to guide our way. We can best navigate the waters of life as we seek our Creator’s wisdom and direction. It is good to know that we do not travel alone. He who sees all, promises to guide us along the way. Here’s His message to His people:

This is what the Lord says—
your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
“I am the Lord your God,
who teaches you what is best for you,
who directs you in the way you should go.”

Isaiah 48:17

This week, let’s look to Him to direct our paths and light the way in front of us.


Looking for positive answers. Check out Karol’s book, Positive Life Principles for Women.
