True Positive: Day 15 – Happy List

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Recently, my friend Sharon Hill gave me two plaques for my birthday. One read, “Do one thing everyday that makes you happy.” The other was simply blank, so I could write the one thing I did that day to make me happy. Isn’t that great?

Have you ever stopped to think about what truly makes you happy? Maybe it’s spending time with family, perhaps it is reading a book or taking a stroll through the park or painting a picture. I encourage you to take some time to thoughtfully make a list of at least 15 things that make you smile. Next, determine to set aside some time on a regular basis to do one of the things on your list.

I’m not condoning self-centeredness or thinking only of your own happiness. In fact, one of the things that increases our joy is to love and serve others (which we will talk about tomorrow). But, there are times when we need to rejuvenate and be deliberate about self-care in order to avoid burnout, fatigue or exhaustion. God has made each of us with unique desires. Psalms 103 reminds us that God satisfies our desires with good things, so that our youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Ask God to satisfy your desires and renew your strength. Look for simple ways to enjoy your “Happy List.”